Blog » Problem Solving in Multinational Companies

Problem Solving in Multinational Companies

I was invited to give a speech on the problems faced by multinational companies at an event attended only by managers and shareholders.
The organizers told me that I had 5-10 minutes. Initially, I refused because there were so many problems and so few minutes.
But, because they insisted, I have prepared and presented to the participants the picture below:

And I told them all from the floor. I have only 10 minutes and I cannot summarize better than that what happens within companies.
Only the fun lasted for 10 minutes in the room.
At the request of the audience, the event has been extended and I was asked to talk, too.
I told the distinguished managers present in the room: ”You may laugh, but you make fun of yourself or of others – at your choice''
Once they noticed that I approached seriously the problems, the fun ended instantly.
I proved them that, irrespective of their field, they all faced such cases within the company, but I told them:”You do not realize, but the biggest problem is that most of you are not aware of this issue”.
The first great step towards progress and the removal of these problems is to admit that it also happens within your company.
I told them: “The first solution is that you, as shareholders or general managers, talk not only to the members of the Board of Directors.
Ceausescu did the same and had a sad fate.
I do not say that you could be betrayed by the members of the Executive Board/Board of Directors, I am only saying that they can omit, intentionally or not, to inform you on the emergence of a real problem which is latent within the company. Take into account the views of 2nd or 3nd level staff and do not implement only your ideas. Do not think that, once you are the general manager, the subordinated staff may not have better ideas than yours.
Implement the suitable ideas and advices, no matter who provided them, and accept that they can be better than yours. Do not let the ego kill your business.
Otherwise, although you have good intentions, you will lose, without realising it, valuable people who will migrate towards other companies.
Generally, the good people do not leave the companies but the managers, i.e. you. And what do we lack? Just a little attention and the greater involvement of the managers in the current activity of our company.
”Because, I repeat, the most important asset of a company is the happy and motivated employee, but everything depends on us, the managers''
The extra time had been already exhausted but I proposed them 1 to 1 meetings and discussions during the weekend, because I'm also active during the week.
Since then at least half of Saturday is filled in with meetings. However, if you need management consulting, we invite you to debate and find solutions together to address issues of company you run and I write to contact@leonardmazilu.ro



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